Improve Exhibiting Results with the
Right Tradeshow Novelty

Think of a tradeshow novelty or giveaway as a helpful marketing tool that can further your exhibiting impact. Used effectively, the right promotional item can turn trade show attendees into potential buyers.

Ideally, your promotional novelty should be related to your own product or company. Yet, if that is not feasible, choose a quality giveaway that complements your offering, has appeal to you and your target audience, and can easily be imprinted with your company name, logo and contact information.

Of course, budget constraints play a role in what you decide to purchase. If you have minimal to spend, keep in mind that a giveaway can also include an inexpensive, printed information sheet or poster that features success tips related to your industry - content that has high perceived value to your target audience. 

While everyone visiting the exhibition hall likes a free gift, only give your promotional novelty to booth visitors whom you determine as high opportunity prospects.

How to choose the right promotional item:

  • Pick a giveaway that’s small and practical, something the customer can use in his or her office.

  • If you will be attending several tradeshows in a year, buy in bulk to save money.

  • Consider separating your booth visitors into categories—casual browser, potential customer, and customer — and buy the appropriate tradeshow novelty for each group.

  • Think about sending customers and leads a follow-up gift — an item in keeping with the one they received at the tradeshow and that reinforces your company’s marketing message.

How to use your promotional novelty to your advantage:

  • Drive traffic to your booth by promoting your giveaway in communication before the event to your potential buyers.
  • Be strategic about where you place the promotional item in your display area. Making your visitors walk through your booth to get it gives you and your staff the opportunity to talk with them about your company’s product or service. 

  • Use your promotional item as a conversation starter with customers. Some companies write scripts for their sales staff and rehearse these conversations so that during the tradeshow the sales pitch sounds relaxed and unforced.

For more tips on how to benefit from using tradeshow novelties, click on the article links below.

Related Information - Tradeshow Novelty

Have Effective Giveaways...Even on a Tight Budget
Avoid These Mistakes When Purchasing Promotional Items
Selecting Appropriate Trade Show Giveaways
Keys to Using a Trade Show Promotional Item
Use Media Packaging to Increase Trade Show Results
Find a Promotional Item with High Perceived Value
Think Out-of-the Box for Your Trade Show Giveaways
Mastering the Tradeshow Giveaway Game

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