Your Trade Show Presentation
8 Tips for Effective Product Demonstrations

Your trade show presentation events and product demonstrations have little value if they don’t engage potential buyers who are visiting your booth. The key is to use an interactive approach that resonates with the needs and wants of your prospects. Here are eight tips for compelling demonstrations.

  1. Assign your most experienced and charismatic sales people to demonstrate your products in your exhibit booth area.

    Have these staff members enthusiastically announce each demonstration and invite exhibition attendees who are in your booth area and surrounding aisle to watch the short presentation. 

  2. Reward customers for watching your product demonstration by giving them a helpful tip sheet, token promotional  item, or chance to be entered in a drawing for an attractive prize to be given away at the end of the show (and when they do not have to be present to win).

    The advantage of the drawing is that it enables  you to collect lead information from prospects for post-show follow-up. Whatever incentive approach you choose, be sure what your offer ties in with the product you are promoting

  3. Help draw attention to your booth and trade show presentation by using special lighting, bold signage or other eye-catching techniques to evoke interest and draw exhibition hall attendees into your display area.

  4. Demonstrate your product in ten minutes or less; save in-depth demos for one-on-one sales calls. Give visitors just enough information to arouse their interest to want to learn more.

  5. If your trade show presentation product has moving parts, have them in motion to attract the attention of visitors passing by your booth. If applicable, give interested prospects that chance to interact directly with your product once your demonstration has concluded.

  6. Make sure your demonstration product is always in clear view and not blocked by signs, staff or booth accessories.

  7. During your product presentation, always focus on your product’s benefits, not just features. Explain and show how your product solve problems and improves outcomes. Prospects always want to hear how your product will help them be more successful, make their jobs easier, cut expense and/or save time.

  8. Videotape your product demonstration so you can use it with potential customers long after the trade show ends. Post the video on your YouTube channel and include a link in customer/prospect emails and social media. In addition, add the video demonstration to your web site to maximize impact.

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