Trade Show Exhibitor Listing:
Valuable Marketing Intelligence

Reviewing an events trade show exhibitor listing ahead of time may be advantageous in giving your company a leg up on the competition in the exhibition hall. This easy-to-obtain list is freuqently overlooked as a valuable marketing information tool for exhibitors.

As you put the final touches of on your trade show plans and tactics, be sure to include reaching out to the event sponsor around two weeks before the show. Ask for an advance copy of all participating exhibitors and vendors.

This information will enable you to have insight into... 

  • Your competition participating in the show, which of course is one of the obvious benefits. Make sure your booth team is prepared to effectively communicate your unique selling proposition to prospects relative to others in the marketplace. 
  • Possible changes  competitors have made to their products and services – as well as any new products that may be launched at the show, based on your industry knowledge 
  • Newcomers to your industry for you to meet and research

  • Potential companies and individuals with whom you may want to create a strategic partnership to further your company’s product or service offerings

  • Recruiting resources and contacts because you always need to be on the lookout for good people to join your team

  • Industry-related companies that may be  at the show and able to provide you with key data or trend information that will help with product planning, marketing and other strategic initiatives

  • Other exhibitors who may be potential customers in the future

Once you have the exhibitor list in hand, compare it to those from the past (if you have them accessible) and note changes. In addition, share the list of exhibit participants with your event staff. Ask for ideas and other creative ways to use this marketing tool to your advantage.

Related Information - Trade Show Exhibitor Listing

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