Final Trade Show Check List

Reference this List Before You Leave for Your Show

Using a trade show check list at the final stages of your event preparation is a valuable organizational tool to make sure all the last-minute details are handled. 

trade show check list

Yet its greater purpose is to help ensure you are appropriately prepared and positioned to accomplish your event sales objectives. You’ve spent months getting ready for your event. The final stages are critical. Therefore, adapt the following check list to suit your specific exhibiting and travel needs.

  • Review your exhibiting plan and objectives. Make sure everyone involved fully understands what needs to be accomplished during the show.
  • Bring your event staff together for a final meeting before you depart to take care of final details, confirm booth schedules, and answer any last minute questions.Be sure to discuss proper dress and re-enforce the importance of how you want your sales message delivered, which they should have memorized and rehearsed prior to this meeting.

  • Call your event sponsor and/or the contact person at the event site to confirm all of your materials and booth have arrived and are waiting for you.Double check the location where you will pick up your items. Also, ask about return shipping once the show is over.

  • Confirm your travel plans including transportation once you arrive at your destination. It is a good idea to call the hotel to verify your room requests. 

  • Re-examine your post-show marketing strategy and make sure letters, packets, and other follow-up materials are ready the day you return. Your trade show check list should include your follow-up initiatives with all viable leads within one week of the show, and preferably within the first three days following the event.

  • If you choose, change your voice mail and email message to let people know you are out of town and when they can expect you or someone else to get back them with a response.

  • Bring with you business cards, meeting schedule, extra pens and pencils, writing tablets, expense report forms, post-it pads, lead cards, itinerary, registration packet, and background on clients who will be attending.

  • Make sure your office and family have a copy of your itinerary and contact information.

Related Information - Trade Show Check List

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