How to Boost Results with an
Imprinted Trade Show Giveaway

Finding the right imprinted trade show giveaway can be a catalyst to increasing booth traffic, promoting product awareness, stimulating discussion, and appealing to high-opportunity prospects. As you evaluate your giveaway options, ask the following questions.

  • Will your giveaway attract the type of prospects you wanted to reach?
  • Will people who stop by your booth find your promotional item useful and/or memorable?
  • Will your giveaway project a positive image for your business?

  • Is the item something you personally would want to have and keep.

It is important to note that, in addition to having an effective promotional item, other marketing strategies before, during and after an event have equal (if not greater) importance in helping you achieve your goals. The key is to look at every element of your exhibiting strategy – including the type of giveaway you use and how you distribute it – as a contributing factor to your overall goal achievement.

Here are tips that will help you achieve your trade show event objectives.

  • Contact event registrants by mail or e-mail prior to the show to tell them about your product demonstrations, exhibit information and trade show giveaways. Also use Facebook, Twitter and other social networking opportunities to get the word out. This will encourage attendees to make a point of visiting your booth and enable you to identify interested prospects for special attention and follow-up.

  • During the exhibit, your promotional item should be handed out individually to each potential customer. This enables you open the door for one-on-one discussion and stops "gift grabbers" from shopping your booth and moving on to the next exhibit freebie.

  • If your giveaway is an item or certificate that can be redeemed for products or services at a later date, code it so that the success of your promotional item and marketing efforts can be tracked.

For more information on effective use of imprinted giveaways, see the articles below.

Related Information - Imprinted Trade Show Giveaway

Strategies to Attract Booth Traffic
Attracting Visitors with Drawings and Prizes
Avoid These Mistakes When Purchasing Promotional Items
Selecting Appropriate Trade Show Giveaways
Use Incentives in Pre-Show Marketing
Trade Show Calendars as Giveaways
Keys to Using a Trade Show Promotional Item
Find a Promotional Item with High Perceived Value
Think Out-of-the Box for Your Trade Show Giveaways
Mastering the Tradeshow Giveaway Game
Tips on Using Trade Show Novelties 

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