How to Design an Eye-Catching
Exhibition Stand

Creating the wow-factor for your exhibition stand is vital to creating a strong impression and standing out at a trade show. While you've heard it many times, first impressions really do count when it comes to attracting booth traffic. Even though your company may have superior products or services, along with a well-trained booth team, poor visual appeal can steer potential customers away from you into the hands of the competition.

Therefore, follow these key strategies for designing an eye-catching exhibition stand that will attract visitors and delivers results.

Establishing Exhibiting Goals

Begin by defining your reason or objective for trade show participation and the message you want to clearly communicate with your exhibition stand. Then, keep these two goals in mind throughout the design process.

The most amazing exhibition stand may fall at the first hurdle if it does not convey your organization’s image, values, and product or service capabilities. Also, consider your brand position and what you want to reflect in the design. For example, is your company high-tech, traditional, creative, caring, etc.?

Target Audience

When designing your trade show stand, always keep your target audiences in mind in order to focus your concept towards their wants and needs. After all, it's no use creating a fabulous exhibit that attracts prospects who aren't going to buy from you.

Space Maximization

Your exhibit stand should take full advantage of the booth space you’ve been allocated so contact the show's organizers to confirm dimensions.

Some shows allow you to build exhibit up to 6 metres or 20 feet high. Be sure to capitalize on this height if it is allowed, as it will help you rise above (literally!) from your competitors. If you do have the advantage of height with your exhibit, consider displaying your logo and signage across the exhibition hall by:

  • Creating a high arch for your display area
  • Building on tall central tower
  • Using a top truss with a rotating sign

To help the flow of your display area, ensure that there are no physical obstructions or barriers on entering and try to keep meeting areas to the back of your booth.


Less is more when it comes to text on an exhibition stand. Make sure your wording is as succinct as possible. Remember. You don’t need to use full sentences when single words will get the message across. The use of action verbs can be particularly effective and eye catching.

Use fonts that are large and clear enough to be seen from a distance (and of course in line with your brand image). Also, place your text on the top half of your exhibit stand so that it is not blocked by people in your display area.


The old adage that "a picture is worth a thousand words" is highly relevant in the design of exhibits. Using the right images can help convey complex ideas quickly and effectively without the need for reams of text.

Images that are life-sized can be especially powerful. Think about your target audience and what images will appeal to their interests. Then, always use your company logo to confirm your brand identity.

As with the text on your stand, consider the size and placement of your images to ensure they can be seen well from a distance and are not obscured.


Adding lighting to your display is not a luxury. Rather, it is an effective method to help you increase traffic and ensure your message is clearly expressed.

On a very basic level, lighting allows visitors to clearly read text and view displays. But on a deeper level, it can convey a certain atmosphere and image. Lighting can also be used to highlight a particular area of your stand to bring attention to a product or service you are introducing.

Other creative lighting uses include using angled light boxes at the entrance of your exhibition stand to entice attendees into your display area. You also may want to consider colored lighting to create a particular aura or tone that separates you from other exhibitors, while reinforcing your brand reputation.


Choosing the right materials will help to reinforce your image and create the kind of dazzling design that will attract your target market.

For example, an innovative or high-tech company may consider using brushed aluminum laminate panels or silver and chrome detailing to create a cutting edge, contemporary look. For a more traditional feel, go for rich wood tones. Also, consider the use of fabric within your stand. Fabric dividers are perfect for separating meeting areas for client discussions.

By incorporating these tips into your design, you should be well on track to creating a successful, eye-catching and ultimately profitable exhibition stand. 

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